Answers to Sample Office Word Test Questions - PDF Free Download.

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- Microsoft office 2010 questions and answers free


What is a word processor? A word processor is a computer application used to create, modify, print, and documents. The insertion point is the blinking vertical line that indicates where the next character typed will be placed.

By pressing the Down arrow key 3 times and then pressing the right arrow key 10 times. Pressing the Backspace key four times when the insertion point is located in the middle of a line of text erases four characters directly to the left of the insertion point, while pressing the leftarrow key four times when the insertion point is located in the middle of a line of text only moves the insertion point four characters to the left.

What is word wrap? Word wrap is the process that automatically determines if the words to the right will fit on the end of the current line or if microsoft office 2010 questions and answers free must go workstation 12 xp free the next line. How can the word count of the document be determined? The word count of the document is displayed in the status bar.

The shape of the pointer when it is in a document is the I-beam pointer. To position the insertion point with the mouse, move the pointer into the document until it changes from an arrow shape to the I-beam pointer.

Click the I-beam pointer where the insertion point should appear. By clicking Undo on the Quick Annd Toolbar. If so, how? By clicking Redo on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Formatting marks are symbols that represent spaces, tabs, and paragraphs. Formatting marks do not appear on paper when a document is printed.

Answers will vary. Formatting marks are useful when editing a document because they help you find mistakes like two spaces between words. A red wavy line indicates a word is spelled incorrectly or it is not in the dictionary. To correct a misspelled word, right-click it to display suggested words, and then click the correct spelling from the menu. A green wavy line indicates a possible grammatical error.

Selected text is shown highlighted on the screen. The selected text will be deleted if the Backspace key is pressed. To select an entire paragraph of text, triple-click a paragraph or move the pointer to the left windows 10 dark mode file explorer free the text and double-click.

Select the third paragraph in the document. Place the insertion point at the end of the document. Moving text means that the selected text is cut from one place in a document and then pasted into another place, qusstions duplicating text means that selected text is copied from one place in a document and the copy pasted into another нажмите сюда. List the steps required to paste an item in the Office Clipboard at the insertion point.

Double-click an item in the Clipboard task pane to paste it at the insertion point. What would you type in the Find what box if you were trying to find all occurrences of your school s name? You would type the school s name in the Microsoft office 2010 questions and answers free what box. Select the Find whole words only. In the Find what box, type: day 3.

In the Replace with box, type: week 4. Select Replace. Continue to select Replace to change all occurrences of day to week. Replace All microsoft office 2010 questions and answers free replaces all occurrences of the word without checking which microsoft office 2010 questions and answers free result in a word being replaced that shouldn t be. Font refers to the shape of characters. To format selected text in the Cambria font, select Cambria in the Font list on the Mini toolbar or on the Home tab.

Fonts can be divided into three categories: serif, sans serif, and decorative. Serif fonts have microsoft office 2010 questions and answers free strokes at the ends of characters that help the reader s eye recognize each letter.

The horizontal and vertical strokes of the letters often vary in thickness. Serif fonts are more conventional and are used in large amounts of text. Sans serif fonts lack the decorative flourishes of serif fonts. Sans serif fonts are often used in headings to contrast with the body text: Decorative fonts have letters that are specially shaped and are neither serif nor sans serif.

Some decorative fonts have a picture, rather than a letter, that corresponds to characters. Calabri is a microsofy serif font, Cambria is a serif font, Segoe is a sans qurstions font, Courier is a serif font, and Wingdings is a decorative font.

An appropriate use for frree fonts is in ansaers documents. An appropriate use for sans serif fonts is headings, and an appropriate use for decorative fonts is when a picture is necessary to convey a message. Character size жмите measured in points. The kind of text appropriate in size 24 is headings or titles. Text in the body of a letter would be microsoft office 2010 questions and answers free as size 10 rather than size 18 because size 18 is too big.

Can text be formatted as both bold and ofrice Text can be formatted as both bold and italic by selecting the text, clicking Italic on the Home tab, and then clicking Bold button /41102.txt the Home tab. How can bold formatting be removed from a selected paragraph? To remove bold formatting, click Bold on the Home tab.

Underlined text is sometimes confused for a hyperlink. Underlined text is sometimes confused for a hyperlink because hyperlinks typically appear as blue underlined text. List two instances of when the subscript or superscript format should be used.

Two instances of when the subscript or superscript format should be used are to reduce the size of the 2 and lower it to the bottom of the current line in H 2 0 and to reduce the size of the th and raise it to the top of the current line in 5 th.

The Preview window shows what printouts will look like. List the steps required to preview an open document, print a copy, and then return to the document window. Click Print. Click OK. Microsoft office 2010 questions and answers free the four paragraph alignments and describe each one. The ooffice paragraph жмите сюда are left aligned, centered, right aligned, and justified. Left aligned is the default and means that the left edge of a paragraph is straight and the right edge of the paragraph is jagged.

Centered means that the left and right edges of the paragraph are equally distant from the left and right sides of the page. Right aligned means that the right edge of the paragraph is microsoft office 2010 questions and answers free and the left edge is jagged.

Justified alignment creates straight edges at both sides of a paragraph and is often used in newspapers мама descargar crack adobe audition cc 2017 free нами books.

What is the appropriate paragraph alignment kffice the following documents? Use each of the four alignments right, left, center, justify only once: a A birth announcement. A birth announcement should be center aligned. A term paper should be left aligned. A promotional flyer for a very contemporary advertising agency should be ansaers aligned.

A newspaper article should be justified. How can symbols not represented by a microsoft office 2010 questions and answers free on the keyboard be added to a document? If the symbol is not shown, select More Symbols. When a Web site address is typed in a document, Word automatically turns it into a blue, underlined hyperlink. A hyperlink can be followed from the Word document on screen by pressing the Ctrl key and then clicking the link.

Word formats an address as blue underlined characters. A new message window is displayed. A thesaurus is a collection of synonyms. A synonym is a word that answerx a similar meaning. An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning. Alternatively, right-click a word and select Mucrosoft from the menu.

Document collaboration means working with others to create, review, and revise a document to achieve the best end result. Peer editing helps create a better document ansders it is often difficult to catch your own mistakes, especially in a lengthy document that has been worked on for an extended time. A task pane is по этому сообщению. Select the Allow only this type of editing in the document check box. Questjons Tracked changes in the list below the check box.

Word has the track changes. Give an example. A comment would be added to explain an edit. For example, a comment could read, The paragraph is too wordy. Comments and tracked changes are microsoft office 2010 questions and answers free called markup. Can tracked changes be printed? Tracked changes can be printed by selecting Document showing markup in the Print what list in the Print dialog box.


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Microsoft Office codenamed Office 14 [6] is a version of Microsoft Office for Microsoft Windows unveiled by Microsoft on May 15, , and released to manufacturing on April 15, [1] with general availability on June 15, [7] as the successor to Office and the predecessor to Office Office introduces user interface enhancements including a Backstage view that consolidates document management tasks into a single location.

The ribbon introduced in Office for Access , Excel , Outlook , PowerPoint , and Word is the primary user interface for all applications in Office and is now customizable. Office is the first version of Office to ship in a bit version.

Reviews of Office were generally very positive, with praise to the new Backstage view, new customization options for the ribbon, and the incorporation of the ribbon into all programs. Mainstream support for Office ended on October 13, , and extended support ended on October 13, , the same dates that mainstream and extended support ended for Windows Embedded Standard 7.

Development started in while Microsoft was finishing work on Office 12, released as Microsoft Office The version number 13 was skipped because of the fear of the number On April 15, , Microsoft confirmed that Office would be released in the first half of They announced on May 12, , at a Tech Ed event, a trial version of the bit edition.

An internal post-beta build was leaked on July 12, This was newer than the official preview build and included a "Limestone" internal test application note: the EULA indicates Beta 2. On July 14, , Microsoft started to send out invitations on Microsoft Connect to test an official preview build of Office In an effort to help customers and partners with deployment of Office , Microsoft launched an Office application compatibility program with tools and guidance available for download.

It was leaked to torrent sites. Office was to be originally released to business customers on May 12, , [56] however it was made available to Business customers with Software Assurance on April 27, , and to other Volume Licensing Customers on May 1.

The RTM version number is Microsoft released two service packs for Office that were primarily intended to address software bugs. SP1 is a cumulative update that includes all previous updates, as well as fixes exclusive to its release; [62] [66] a list of exclusive fixes was released by Microsoft.

On April 8, , a beta build of Office SP2 was released. In both its client programs and in its Internet implementation, the design of Office incorporates features from SharePoint and borrows from Web 2.

A new Backstage view interface replaces the Office menu introduced in Office and is designed to facilitate access to document management and sharing tasks by consolidating them within a single location.

Tasks that are accessed via tabs in the main Backstage pane are categorized into separate groups that display contextual information related to app configurations, files, and tasks; each tab displays information relevant to that specific tab. On the Info tab in Word, for example, document metadata details are displayed within the Prepare for Sharing group to inform users of potentially personal information before the file is shared with other users, [80] whereas the Help tab displays Office version information and product licensing status.

Backstage is extensible; developers can add their own commands, tabs, tasks, or related information. The File tab replaces the Office button introduced in Office and offers similar functionality.

The previous Office button—a round button adorned with the Microsoft Office logo—had a different appearance from the ribbon tabs in the Office interface and was positioned away from them, with a target that extended toward the upper left corner of the screen in accordance with Fitts's law.

Opening the File tab displays the new Backstage view. Office introduces a pasting options gallery on the ribbon, in the context menu , and in the object-oriented user interface that replaces the Paste Special dialog box and Paste Recovery feature seen in previous versions of Office. The gallery introduces Live Preview effects to the paste process when users position the mouse cursor over an option in the gallery so that the result of the process can be previewed before it is applied to the document; a tooltip with an associated description and keyboard shortcut for that option will also appear.

If users position the mouse cursor over a gallery option in the context menu, the rest of the context menu becomes transparent so that it does not obstruct preview results within the document. Gallery options change based on the content in the clipboard and the app into which the content is pasted. The ribbon introduced in Office is fully customizable and included in all programs in Office Users can also export or import any customization changes made to the ribbon to facilitate backups, deployment, or sharing, or reset all ribbon customizations.

After the launch of Office , Microsoft provided free downloads for a new Favorites tab that consolidated commands based on customer feedback regarding the most frequently used commands in all Office programs. From Backstage within Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint, and Word, users can also save documents directly to remote locations to facilitate remote access and co-authoring sessions. In the Excel Web App, the OneNote, and the OneNote Web App edits to a shared document in a co-authoring session occur on a sequential basis, in near real-time, as shared documents save automatically with each edit.

In PowerPoint and Word, however, users must upload changes to the server by manually saving the shared document. During a co-authoring session the Excel Web App, PowerPoint, and Word denote how many co-authors are editing a document through a status bar icon that, when clicked in PowerPoint and Word, displays contact information including the presence of co-authors; the Info tab of Backstage also displays these details.

When users open the name of a co-author, they can send email with an email client or start instant messaging conversations with each other if a supported app such as Skype for Business is installed on each machine.

If a conflict between multiple changes occurs in PowerPoint or Word, sharers can approve or reject changes before uploading them to the server. In both OneNote and the OneNote Web App, users can view the names of co-authors alongside their respective edits to the content in a shared notebook, or create separate versions of pages for individual use. Edits made since a notebook was last opened are automatically highlighted, with initials of the co-author who made the edit displayed.

In OneNote, co-authors can also search for all edits made by a specific co-author. Office introduces a new Click-to-Run installation process based on Microsoft App-V Version 4 streaming and virtualization technology as an alternative to the traditional Windows Installer -based installation process for the Home and Student and Home and Business editions, and as a mandatory installation process for the Starter edition. Click-to-Run products install in a virtualized environment a Q: partition that downloads product features in the background after the programs have been installed so that users can immediately begin using the programs.

The download process is optimized for broadband connections. During the Office retail lifecycle Microsoft, in collaboration with original equipment manufacturers OEMs and retail partners, introduced a Product Key Card licensing program that allowed users to purchase a single license to activate Home and Student, Home and Business, and Professional editions preinstalled on personal computers at a reduced cost when compared with traditional retail media. Volume license versions of Office require product activation.

In Office product activation was only required for OEM or retail versions of the product. Office File Validation, previously included only in Publisher for PUB files has been incorporated into Excel, PowerPoint, and Word in Office to validate the integrity of proprietary binary file formats e.

When users open a document, the structure of its file format is scanned to ensure that it conforms with specifications defined by XML schema ; if a file fails the validation process it will, by default, be opened in Protected View, a new read-only, isolated sandbox environment to protect users from potentially malicious content.

To improve Office File Validation, Office collects various information about files that have failed validation and also creates copies of these files for optional submission to Microsoft through Windows Error Reporting. Administrators can disable data submission.

When users attempt to open a document that fails validation, they must first agree to a warning prompt before it can be opened. Protected View, an isolated sandbox environment for Excel, PowerPoint, and Word, replaces the Isolated Conversion Environment update available for previous versions of Microsoft Office.

When a document is opened from a potentially unsafe location such as the Internet or as an e-mail attachment, or if a document does not comply with File Block policy or if it fails Office File Validation, it is opened in Protected View, which prohibits potentially unsafe documents from modifying components, files, and other resources on a system; users can also manually open documents in Protected View.

As a precautionary measure, active content within a potentially unsafe document remains disabled when a user reopens it after exiting Protected View until a user clicks the "Enable Content" button on the message bar, which designates the document as a trusted document so that users are not prompted when it is opened in the future. The main process of each app is assigned the current user's access token and hosts the Office user interface elements such as the ribbon, whereas the Protected View process consists of the document viewing area, parses and renders the document content, and operates with reduced privileges; the main process serves as a mediator for requests initiated by the separate process.

Office allows users to designate individual documents as trusted, which allows all active content to operate each time a specific document is opened; trusted documents do not open in Protected View. Documents residing in either local or remote directories can be trusted, but users are warned if an attempt is made to trust a document from a remote resource. Trusted document preferences, referred to as trust records , are stored within the Windows Registry on a per-user basis; trust records contain the full path to trusted documents and other specific file information to protect users from social engineering attacks.

Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word include a variety of artistic effects such as glass, paint stroke, pastel, and pencil sketch effects that users can apply to inserted images. A new background removal feature based on Microsoft Research technology is included in Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word to remove the backgrounds of images inserted into documents.

It is exposed as a Remove Background command that appears on the Picture Tool s contextual tab on the ribbon when an image is selected, which displays a separate Background Removal contextual tab and places a selection rectangle and magenta color over portions of the selected image; the selection rectangle algorithmically determines which area of the selected image will be retained once the background removal process is complete, whereas the magenta color indicates the areas that will be removed.

Users can manually adjust the position and size of the selection rectangle and also mark specific areas of an image to keep or remove; [] it is also possible to delete a mark after an inadvertent selection or if it produces an undesired result. After the background has been removed, users can apply various visual effects to the result image or wrap text in a document around it ; users can also crop the image since removing the background does not reduce its original size.

The crop selection rectangle now grays out the portion of a photo to be removed when cropping and displays the result area in color—instead of omitting the removed portion from view, as previous versions of Office did.

Photos can now be repositioned underneath the selection rectangle. The Picture Shape command in previous versions of Office has been replaced with a new Crop to Shape command that allows users to resize and move the selected shape itself when cropping.

Office , like previous versions, automatically resizes photos that are inserted into shapes by default, which can negatively affect their aspect ratio. To address this, photos in shapes can now be cropped or resized after being inserted, and individual Fit and Fill options have been incorporated.

The former option resizes the selected photo so that the entire area of the crop selection rectangle or shape is filled, whereas the latter option resizes the photo so that it is displayed within the selection rectangle or within a shape in its entirety; both options maintain the original aspect ratio of the selected photo.

Photos inserted into SmartArt diagrams can also be cropped, resized, or repositioned. Excel, PowerPoint, and Word support text effects such as bevels, gradient fills, glows, reflections, and shadows. Publisher and Word support OpenType features such as kerning , ligatures , stylistic sets , and text figures with fonts such as Calibri , Cambria , Corbel , and Gabriola.

Excel, PowerPoint, and Word support hardware accelerated graphics when installed on a machine with a DirectX 9. Excel supports hardware accelerated chart drawing, and PowerPoint supports hardware accelerated animations, transitions, and video playback and effects; slideshow elements are now rendered as sprites, which are then composited with additional effects such as fades and wipes implemented using Pixel Shader 2.

Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word allow users to immediately insert a screenshot of open app windows or a selection of content on the screen into documents without saving the image as a file.

The functionality is exposed through a new Screenshot command on the Insert tab of the ribbon that, when clicked, presents individual options to capture either app windows or selections of content. The former option presents open windows as thumbnails in a gallery on the ribbon that insert a screenshot of the selected window into the active app, while the latter option minimizes the currently active app, dims the screen, and presents a selection rectangle for users to create a screenshot by holding the main mouse button, dragging the selection rectangle to a desired area of the screen, and then releasing the button to automatically insert the selection as an image into the document.

Only windows that have not been minimized to the taskbar can be captured. After a screenshot has been inserted, various adjustments can be made. SmartArt, a set of diagrams introduced in Office for Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word has been updated with new effects, options, and interface improvements. The SmartArt text pane now allows users to insert, modify, and reorder images and their associated text within a diagram, and new Move Up and Move Down commands on the ribbon facilitate the reordering of content.

Images are automatically cropped when inserted into shapes within SmartArt diagrams to preserve their aspect ratio; users can also manually reposition images. During the crop process, the layout of shapes in SmartArt diagrams is locked to prevent users from inadvertently modifying its position while making adjustments to an image.

Of these, a new Picture category dedicated to the presentation of images includes over 30 diagrams, and the Organization Chart category includes 3 new diagrams. A new Convert command on the SmartArt contextual tab of the ribbon includes additional features for Excel and PowerPoint. The Convert to Shapes feature, introduced in Office SP2 as a context menu option that turned SmartArt into a group of customizable shapes is now on the ribbon in both programs.

Additionally, in PowerPoint, it is possible to convert SmartArt diagrams into bulleted lists through a new Convert to Text option. Office introduces Accessibility Checker in Excel, PowerPoint, and Word that examines documents for issues affecting visually impaired readers. It is accessible through the "Check for Issues" button on the Prepare for Sharing group on the Info tab of Backstage, which opens a task pane with a list of accessibility issues discovered in the document and provides suggestions to resolve them.

Backstage itself also reports accessibility issues in the Prepare for Sharing group so that they can be resolved before the document is shared with other users.

Translations for phrases or words are displayed within a tooltip, from which users can hear an audio pronunciation of the selected text provided by one of the Microsoft text-to-speech voices installed on a machine, copy the translation to the clipboard so that it can be inserted into another document, or view a definition provided by an online service if the selected text is a word.

Users can download various text-to-speech engines from Microsoft. Office Starter is an ad-supported , reduced-functionality edition consisting of Excel and Word, discontinued in June before the release of Office and Windows 8. Office Online is a collection of free Web-based versions of Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint, and Word that offers fewer features than its client counterparts.

Office Mobile was released before general availability of Office as a free upgrade for users of Windows Mobile 6.



Microsoft office 2010 questions and answers free. Chapter 2 Review Questions and Answers


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